Statutory Outage
It’s quiet in Wenning House as the team are on site supporting a statutory outage. As you’ll be aware, obsolescence is a growing and significant threat within the power generation and nuclear industries in the UK. Strictly regulated, highly secure and responsible for providing the country’s light and warmth, there are real challenges when it comes to obsolescence management.
For each outage period, a detailed plan for execution is prepared well in advance, including all necessary work files and support needed. The outage plan ensures plant safety during all phases of the outage. External contractors are often needed for specialised inspection, maintenance or repairs where certain experience, skills, tools and processes are needed, often enhancing outage performance. Long term contract arrangements are favourable as contractors will be experienced in the client’s safety culture, processes and protocols.
We have worked with EDF Energy since 2006 to mitigate the issues surrounding ageing plant equipment. We understand the challenges and pressures of outage and support the life-extension of their current fleet of advanced gas-cooled reactors by delivering high-quality evaluations, assessments, remanufacturing and refurbishments. Our team of highly-skilled electronic and software engineers have proven and long-standing field experience, helping to achieve greater performance, safety and reliability of essential assets while reducing operating costs.
In a recent daily outage update, one of the projects we’re assisting with got a mention. The quality team carried out a surveillance on two projects and said, “Both the examples above demonstrated that PU&A (Procedural Use and Adherence) and work area standards and have contributed to their successful outcomes, thank you to everyone for their hard work.”
Want to know more about about a nuclear power outage? Click here to find out more.