What does Sustainability mean to us?
Sustainability is frequently mentioned in mainstream media and businesses continue to be asked what it means for them. Questions are also asked in the supply chain, meaning it has rightly moved up the ladder of priorities. At a recent business event, whilst in conversation with another business owner they casually said; “…well that’s what you’ve always been doing at Like Technologies isn’t it.”
This comment made us pause and think yes, sustainability has been at the forefront of our business since 2006. We extend the functional life of plant equipment by providing unique electronics and software solutions.
If you’re looking for a simple definition of sustainability you’ll find this;
“Sustainability consists of fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations, while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being.” Source: https://www.becas-santander.com/en/blog/what-is-sustainability.html
As the company has continued to grow and evolve we continue to look internally at what sustainability means day to day in our business and our working relationships with clients.
Obsolescence management is a core part of our business here at Like Technologies and fits within the definition above as the process involves continually assessing the life span of an element in a system’s lifecycle, and planning the replacement of obsolete parts and systems as they age.

“Addressing obsolescence is too often done in a reactive manner, rather than as a planned process. Obsolescence is inevitable no matter what industry you are in. Like Technologies follow a structured obsolescence management approach to quickly and clearly identify the current product status, with a view to offering a tailored solution that meets the customers’ requirements. This may involve a last-time buy of components, generating a bespoke refurbishment plan or even a complete re-engineered solution. With our experience in highly regulated environments, we are confident we can become your trusted obsolescence solutions partner.”